Wednesday, December 13, 2017

ARC REVIEW Once Upon A Christmas Eve by Elizabeth Hoyt

So this is the last of the Maiden Lane series, if I had known that before reading this I probably would have been a lot more disappointed with it than I am. I was kind of hoping that she was going to just keep writing and find a new story arc to follow. I am split on this, on one hand you have great Hoyt writing with witty dialogue and wonderful characters; on the other hand you have a really short romance that makes you feel cheated that these great characters didn't get more. With how strong the animosity Sarah has toward d'Arque you would think it would take longer for her to admit to herself that he's different. d'Arque is a shameless flirt and sometimes his humor is a bit crude, but it's so funny. They met once before (back in book 5) but it didn't matter Sarah had already made up her mind to hate him because he was a rake. To d'Arque Sarah was different because she didn't fall for his charm like every other woman out there, it was obvious she hated him but he gave her no reason to.
Fast forward some time it's Christmastime and d'Arque is taking his grandmother to her cousin house for the holiday when the carriage breaks down and they must seek refuge at a local house. Fortuitously d'Arque is acquainted with St. James unfortunately his grandmother's health isn't good to travel the rest of the way and they must stay where they are and celebrate Christmas with the St. James'. d'Arque sees this as an opportunity to change Sarah's opinion of him because no matter what he feels a strong attraction to her. Sarah had a bad experience with a rake in her past that has made her hate all rakes, but the more she talks to d'Arque the more she realizes there is so much more to him the just a rake, it's making her all confused her physical attraction to him and now she finds herself actually liking him. But Sarah is looking for a husband and d'Arque doesn't think he wants to get married, ever.

Overall, I did like the story and the characters but it felt so short and rushed, and it doesn't feel like it's the conclusion to a series.       

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