Saturday, July 2, 2016

ARC REVIEW Under Your Skin by Shannyn Schroeder

This is a start for a new series for Shannyn Schroeder, it is a spin-off of the O'Leary series. I have mixed feeling about his book. It was just ok, the hesitant brooding guy, and the girl who is seven months pregnant. The chemistry is there between Kai and Norah.
Kai has compartmentalized his life he doesn't mix family with friends or with work so when a gorgeous woman walks into his tattoo parlour he immediately pushes her away especially since she's the sister to one of his employees and very obviously pregnant.
Norah is desperate for attention, the way she was raised she always felt like the outsider and unloved. She knows her brothers love her but she feels the sting of abandonment when she is forced to come home pregnant and her brothers are all mad at her. Norah is dealing with a lot of problems right now, she has had to put of finishing school, she's trying to figure out a way to tell the baby daddy he's going to be a daddy, keep her brothers from going after said baby daddy, and she is having to make a heartbreaking decision of whether or not she should keep her baby.
The first half mainly concentrates on whether or not she go with adoption, and Kai dealing with having his Mom underfoot after knee surgery. Lani, Kai's Mom, was really annoying at the beginning very passive aggressive but as soon as Norah and her were introduced she was less annoying and more amusing. Norah brings Kai's walls crashing down the friendship that they start with really sets the tone for the book. Norah knows that Kai is attracted to her and she enjoys the attention, she single and seven months along with brothers who are guys she hasn't felt attractive in a while and Kai makes her feel that way.

Overall, it was ok. I really wasn't in the mood for so much drama when I read this, but there was somethings I liked about it.    

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