Monday, April 8, 2019

ARC REVIEW His Rebellious Lass by Callie Hutton

His Rebellious Lass (Scottish Hearts, #1)Scottish Hearts #1, I enjoyed this Callie Hutton book, Cam and Bridget are amusing characters, set in their ways and that includes both of them never wanting to marry. Cam with his abused childhood didn't want to bring a child into this life if it meant that he would become his father. Bridget after seeing first hand what an abusive husband, and peer of the realm, can do to his wife she vowed never to marry. Bridget instead wants to start a house where women can come to seek sanctuary from their abusers. He dreams get thwarted after he father dies and discovers she can't inherit her father's fortune until her twenty-third birthday (which is two years away) and until then she is the ward of the Marquess of Campbell. Cam doesn't want a ward but since he's already married off his two sister what's one more it maybe the off season but it's not impossible, now if only she would get on board with his plan to marry her off as quickly as possible. Bridget does what she can to make herself as unattractive as possible and getting inthe way of Cam's plans, but they soon come to a compromise he helps her get the women's house ready and she not work against him. But pretty soon their own feelings for each other become more than just ward and guardian, and Cam as much as he wants to fight it falls in love with her. Things are going well until an unlikely and unwanted suitor makes his intentions clear.

I loved the chemistry between Cam and Bridget. Overall, it was an entertaining story and a really nice romance.     

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