Wednesday, September 18, 2019

ARC REVIEW Love on Lexington Avenue by Lauren Layne

Love on Lexington Avenue (The Central Park Pact Book 2)Central Park Pact #2, I'm happy we didn't have a very long wait for Claire's story. Claire, Aubrey, and Naomi all met when Claire's husband died, Aubrey's boyfriend died, and Naomi's lover died, unfortunately it was all the same man. Claire never knew he was cheating, she didn't find out until after he die. He never told Naomi he was married and he told Aubrey that they were in the process of a divorce. Claire felt betrayed in the worst way so scorned by her husband she said she would never marry again. A year after his death and her newfound friendship with Aubrey and Naomi, Claire is ready to start living her life again and kind of going through a midlife crisis, sort of. She realizes how boring her life was how everything is bland and she wants to change that she wants to be pink lemonade instead of vanilla.

Scott is the contractor Claire hires to do a complete reno of her brownstone, since it hadn't been updated since the seventies. Scott has long been jaded by the actions of his ex-fiancee and has had time to "get over it" he's also never in once place for too long always picking the international jobs. Claire's knows better than to start anything with him and not just because he's best friends with her best friend's boyfriend but he is definitely not her type, but then again.

Overall, another great story from Lauren Layne. Like so many of her other books this has great rom-com qualities, funny situations, quirky side characters, heated looks that lead to scenes that leave just enough to your imagination, and an absolutely adorable dog. I enjoyed the connection between Claire and Scott. I am also really looking forward to Aubrey and Clarke's book from the blurb it sounds like another winner.       

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