Fulkham is doing business in Dieppe and at the insistence of his brother's friend Hart they go to see a play. Hart guaranteed the lead actress a worth it, Fulkham is a bit peeved not only because Hart was right the lead actress is stunning and he can't seem to take his eyes off of her. But when Hart manages to get them backstage to meet her Fulkham is antagonistic and starts an argument with her; Monique hates the facts that she is attracted to him a pompous pig headed man who prefers tragedies over comedies. Three years later Fulkham and Monique meet again only this time she is Princess Anne of Chaney who is the running of becoming the new ruler of Belgium. Monique was approached by her Uncle to stand in for her cousin Princess Anne until she recovers from her illness in return Monique and her Grandmother who is suffering from dementia will be welcomed back home to the castle in Chaney. Fulkham keeps trying to trick Monique into revealing who he knows her to be but Monique is good. Fulkham is determined to find out why but when there is an attempt on Monique's life Fulkham switches gears to figure out who would want the Princess dead.
Fulkham and Monique have great chemistry, they are quite the pair. When the two meet again Monique is scared of what Fulkham can do, he has the power to out her as an imposter and ruin Anne's chance at ruling Belgium. She wants nothing more than to avoid him at all cost but Fulkham plays a very important role in the London Conference and Monique must play nice. The more time she spends with him the more she likes him and when he is determined to save her life rather than letting the charades go on she realizes just how much she loves him. But with so much still standing in the way of their happiness Monique must learn to trust Fulkham.
Overall, I did enjoy this one. You can always count on Sabrina Jeffries for a well written historical romance. The intrigue was well done and the literary license with the London Conference of 1830 was a nice touch. It happened but there was no Princess Anne in the running for ruler of Belgium.
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