Thursday, September 27, 2018

ARC REVIEW The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March

The Christmas Wishing Tree (Eternity Springs, #15)Eternity Springs #15, Finally, I have been waiting on Devon Murphy's story since he first showed up as a teenager in book 4, Lover's Leap. I love Emily March and this series it's another series I buy in paperback. The whole theme for the series is that Eternity Springs is a place where broken hearts come to heal, so you know it's going to get emotional, I was crying a quarter of the way into the book. Another thing you know about this series is that it will be funny at times with quirky characters and even sillier dogs but also hope; the characters always remind each other there is always room for hope and that things have a way of working out for the better especially when there is trouble everyone is willing to pitch in to help.

I love it when characters kind of fall for each other before they meet face to face, in Devon and Jenna's case it's through phone calls. Jenna's adopted son Reilly was given a phone number to Santa who he ended up calling was Devon. With it being Christmas Devon didn't want to break a little boy's heart so Devon plays along. Devon calls back hoping to get Reilly's Mom but the phone goes unanswered when Jenna finally answers the phone it's clear she's distraught after confirming his story with Devon she agrees to play along too and Reilly can continue to call Santa. Jenna and Devon continue to talk too only knowing each other as Santa and Reilly's Mom. But on New Years Eve something horrible happens and Jenna cuts off contact with Devon before he can say goodbye to Reilly.

Having heard all about Eternity Springs from "Santa" Jenna decides Reilly needs a little heart healing after what happened the previous year and they spend Christmas at Angel's Rest in Eternity Springs. After meeting Celeste and seeing Reilly turn back to the boy she knew before she understands why "Santa", Celeste, and just about everyone else calls Eternity Springs the place where broken hearts come to heal. But two months later and once again something happens to send Jenna and Reilly running. Later that summer Jenna and Reilly are living in an RV off the grid and under assumed names come back to visit Eternity Springs hoping no one recognizes them. Not only do they run into all the friends they made at Christmas they meet "Santa" face to face for the first time. When Jenna finally confesses what's been happening Devon and everyone else in town go above and beyond to help her and Reilly and stop their tormentor.

Devon and Jenna's romance was slow burning but the spark was instantaneous starting back with the phone calls. Jenna knew how good of a person Devon was especially with her son and how much he loved his family and his home when she met his family the next year she fell in love a little bit more and then she met him and she was a goner. Devon always felt divided between his family and Eternity Springs and his love for being out on the ocean and his first home Australia. He fell a little in love with Reilly and his Mom and even though it was supposed to be goodbye he kept his Santa phone just in case Reilly made contact again and since then no one could live up to the fantasy of "Reilly's Mom" until he meets her in person and she exceeded his fantasy but he doesn't think he can take her away from her new life and up root Reilly and take them to Australia so he tries not to love her but it's easier said than done. Overall, this was a wonderful read. I absolutely adore this series. I loved Reilly and his thirst for knowledge he is such a cute kid. Boone McBride, oh well, maybe the third time's the charm.  

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