Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Anything but a Duke by Christy Carlyle

Anything But a Duke (Duke's Den, #2) The Duke's Den #2, I enjoyed this one just as much as the first book of the series, with it's atypical female character and a man who loves because of it. Diana Ashby, like her father is an inventor, unlike her father she's good at it. Diana is determined to invent useful items that people need she needs an investor with connections who she can sell her pneumatic cleaning devise. Aidan Iverson worked his way up in the world, abandoned at a workhouse at a young age and later ran away. Even with his two titled best friends and business partners of an exclusive gaming house certain doors are still closed to Aidan. His only course of action is to marry into society but with no idea who his people are not even a professional matchmaker won't take up the challenge. Diana is the first woman to ever submit her invention to the Lion's Den but gets turned down for the investment. The instant attraction between Aidan and Diana leads to them working together Aidan will invest in her cleaning devise and she helps him find a titled wife. But Aidan has no wish to find a titled wife anymore now that he's found Diana.

Overall, it was a quick and fun read. Diana seems really distant but to her her inventions come first she has no interest in marrying especially if it means she has to stop working in her workshop. And even though she does feel strongly for Aidan she's scared that she's not what he need and tries to keep her feelings under control. Aidan on the other hand doesn't hide his feeling for Diana he is full on in love mode almost right from the start. It was a good read, I enjoy this series I hope we do see Diana's brother make his match in a future book he was quite the character.   

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