Wednesday, May 22, 2019

ARC REVIEW Shouldn't Have You by Carrie Ann Ryan

Shouldn't Have You (Fractured Connections, #2)Fractured Connections #2, Harmony and Brendon friends since forever, when Harmony's husband who was also Brendon's best friend and business partner died they kind of drifted apart. When Harmony's best friend commited suicide about two years later Brendon came back into her life and their friendship started anew. But this time they were grown up, they were two different people from who they use to be and this time their friendship has grown into something much more.

The emotions in this book are strong, the first half of the book is just basically Harmony and Brendon dealing with their emotions. Normally I don't read books that are this heavy emotion-wise but this is Carrie Ann Ryan I read everything she writes.  It's a slow burn romance Brendon doesn't even admit he loves her until past the halfway point until then the feelings are there they are just not admitting them yet or even recognizing them for what they are. Once you get to that part the book starts moving more quickly.

Overall, I liked it, it's not one of my favorites. Unlike her other books in general this series is very emotion based there is no outside force screwing with them it's just them dealing with their emotions and healing. All of her books can be very emotional (hello that one book of the Redwood Pack series) but these are so much more heavy and personally I'm not in the right place to be reading something this heavy and fully embrace all of the feels. I can see where writing this one in particular would be very cathartic for Ms. Ryan and I wondered while reading it how much of herself is in Harmony. If you like deeply emotional books with a HEA then this a good book.

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