Tuesday, January 22, 2019

ARC REVIEW 1001 Dark Nights: Ashes to Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan

Ashes to Ink (Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs, #2.5)Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs #2.5, From the last book I kind of knew Ryan and Abby were meant for each other. This is a quick read novella but Carrie Ann Ryan still manages to pack all her emotional angsty stuff and her hotter than hell romance into such a little package. Abby whose past is an open book among their group of friends and  Ryan a new friend but already part of the family whose past isn't as easy to read.

Friends first Ryan and Abby start to show signs of a mutual attraction after Ryan rescues Abby and her daughter from a snowbank. Abby conflicted because her first love, Max, she lost before they could even get married. Ryan is pretty sure Abby is the woman for him but his past is standing in the way, especially when his past shows back up and threatens to ruin everything good Ryan has done for himself.

Overall, I loved this it was short and hot. Ryan and Abby burn up the sheets, their chemistry is outstanding. I especially liked the shy awkwardness between them when Ryan first asks her out it was sweet. Of course you have all the emotion that pours out of them confessing things they never told anyone else it grabs you and twist you up, yep Carrie Ann Ryan excels at that. 

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